Re: [orca-list] Orca 2.24.4 and file manager dialogues

Are you opening folders with lots and lots of files in them? This might be a nasty performance bug with the file manager dialogs.


Dave Hunt wrote:
    Hello list
I have removed the pre-installed gnome-orca package from my Ubuntu (Intrepid) system. Following this, I built and installed Orca 2.4.24 as instructed on the Orca wiki under "download/ and installation". I also removed the "/usr/local/bin/orca", that I found, pre-install. I configured the build with "./configure --prefix=/usr". After the build and install, I restarted the machine. As a test, I ran gedit and typed some text. When I brought up the "save as" dialogue, Orca went silent for nearly 2 minutes, then let me work with the dialogue. After doing the "save as" operation, I tried a "find/replace" operation. Orca let me access that dialogue immediately. I opened a new gedit window and, this time, used the "open" dialogue. As in the case of the "save as", the "open" dialogue was inaccessible for nearly 2 minutes. Once it became accessible to Orca, I could use it.

Should I upgrade Orca to something from svn? Should I upgrade whatever package(s) are needed in order to produce the dialogues with file browsers in them? If I should do the latter, what package(s) should I fix?


Dave  Hunt

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