Re: [orca-list] PDF viewers

On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 12:26 +0100, Hermann wrote:
On 09.03.2009 at 12:02:46 "James & Nash" <james austin1984 googlemail com> wrote:

Hi folks,
I have looked on the internet, and I was wondering if anyone has heard of or
uses any open free PDF viewers that works well with orca please?
There are several solutions, but non of them is really satisfying:
Acrobat with accessibility features:
It is hard to install, since it is no open source, and therefore not
offered via Debian or related repositories.
You can get it via Ubuntu, but I cannot remember how to do it: There's a
chapter in the Orca wiki that deals with that.

+ acrobat is not available for 64 bit machines and iff at all, it
crashes with orca.
We can't change it because proprietory softwares don't respect our
freedom to do so, and Acro is proprietory.
In the same wiki you find a howto to setup a small script provideed by
Francisco Javier Dorado Martinez. It converts a document loaded into
Evince in text and presents it in Gedit.
This is a good solution although we will not know details of the
structure of the document like headings and font attributes.

But you can use text based converting tools such as pdftotext or
pdftohtml, which come in a package named poppler-utils.
Again this is an even slightly better approach but still no information on bold or underlined text etc, no 
font information.
yet getting a well formatted html is a good choice.

I don't know what is happening at the evince side, there is a bug filed
on this matter but seems it is not that active.

happy hacking.

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