Re: [orca-list] Fedora 10 and Orca

Michael Ryan writes:
Hi all:

Does Fedora 10 have an Orca accessibility install like Ubuntu?
I have a Intrepid System up and running now but want to try Fedora 10.
I have downloaded the f-10 live and tried the steps for Ubuntu to get it 
speaking but no go.

If the Fedora Live CD detects your sound card, you will be OK with the
following steps:

1.)     Boot the live CD and wait forever. There is no audio feedback
while the system boots, GDM auto login proceeds, and the desktop loads.

2.)     Load the run dialog with Alt+F2. You should hear your CD ROM
spin and you should get a beep by pressing backspace.

3.)     Type 'orca' and press enter. Be prepared to boost your audio
volume substantially. It's very low be default.

4.)     Answer all the orca set up questions and say 'yes' to restarting

5.)     Waith forever for the Gnome Desktop to reload--go get a cup of
coffee, for instance.

6.)     Repeat steps #2 and #3 above.


Thanks all:


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