Re: [orca-list] I can not access the help

Hi Joanie.

On 12/19/2010 08:30 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey JosÃ.

Unable to load page
The requested URI "ghelp:orca" is invalid

Any idea?
Not without much more information from you as it's working fine for me
in both Guadalinex v.7 and Ubuntu Natty. So....

1. That URI has been in since I "hooked up" the new help. Did you
    successfully view the new hooked up help since it was hooked up?
No, this was my first try.
2. I have been adding and removing and moving around files. Did you
    start your most recent build with the autogen?
Yes, I have a script that I use to compile and install orca. The script starts with a make clean, followed by 
a autogen, followed by a make, followed by a make install.
3. Where's your help content on your machine? Mine is in:
    /usr/share/gnome/help/orca. Do you have the Orca help files amongst
    your other files?
Hmmm! Orca is installed in a diferent directory; /data/software/orca/dev.
Inside this directory I found share/gnome/help/orca.
4. Distro and version?
I am running ubuntu 10.10.


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