Re: [orca-list] incremental find in in eclipse

Hey JosÃ.

I'm trying to make the orca announce the lines found by eclipse in  a 
incremental find.
An incremental find in eclipse can be activated by pressing ctrl+j or 
via menu.
My first problem  is how to identify that an incremental find was started.

Ugh. That sort of thing is always easier when the locusOfFocus is in a

Given how helpful the Eclipse folks are, I wonder if they'd be willing
to set an AtkObject attribute on an appropriate accessible to reflect
the "mode" that you're in. Something like:

* 'mode':'incremental-find', or
* 'incremental-find':'true', or
* 'whatever-name-they-want':'whatever-value-they-want'

Otherwise, I believe you're going to have to do some heuristic guessing
based on previous keystrokes and/or the fact that you got an event
indicating the text selection had changed and the selected word happened
to be contained in a label in the status bar, etc. In other words, a
rather fragile hack.

The other thing I'm wondering is this: The status bar seems to be
divided into multiple areas with each area serving a unique purpose in
terms of the information it reports. It would be nifty if there were
some way to reliably identify the sections so that when you are in an
incremental find, you could quickly and reliably identify the label in
the status bar which contains the incremental-find related messages.
Then you could have Orca automatically present things like 'foo not
found' when it appears in the status bar.


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