Re: [orca-list] Shutting Down from Gnome Shell?

Hey all.

On 04/14/2012 06:59 PM, Piñeiro wrote:

Anyway I realized something:
  1. You open user menu
  2. Press Alt, so that item menu changes from "suspend" to "power off"
  3. Navigate to that item (but keep pressing Alt)

Your Alt key is going to get worn out. <grins> But ok.

  4. Orca exposes "power off"
  5. Stop pressing Alt

Your Alt key thanks you. :P

  6. Menu item selected changes to "suspend"


But Orca is not exposing this name change.

D'oh! Nice catch.

I guess that we can create a bug with this.

I just fixed it in master and the gnome-3-4 branch. It also works if you
don't press Alt until you need it to change Suspend into Power Off... ;)
(Sorry, I'll stop now.)

Thanks for finding this! Take care.

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