Re: [orca-list] More Recent Orca debs?

luke Davis <speakup lists tacticus com> wrote:
I figured I would have to upgrade at-spi, but didn't realize that
would force me up to Gnome 3.

So far as I know, yes it does.

My hope was to upgrade as little as possible for now--just what was
necessary to bring Orca more current, hopefully staying with Gnome2.

I don't really mind upgrading to unstable, although I'd prefer not
to go up to testing, since this is a production laptop.

It's the other way around: testing lags behind unstable by a few weeks and
provides packages which have been in unstable for that time and haven't had
serious bugs submitted against them (serious in the Debian sense of the word,
that is).

I've been running unstable on my production desktop and laptop machines for
years with few problems, but if you really want to reduce the risk of an
unreliable system you'll have to wait for the next stable release. You can't
have it both ways.

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