Re: [orca-list] problems with orca in arch

Several other people including me and Kyle were playing with this bit as well.
However I think your suggestion is not the proper fix.
The proper fix is editing the config file template for the file user-settings.conf . All the occurences of speechdispatcherfactory should be changed into the orca.speechdispatcherfactory. This is how the option is saved when creating a new speech profile using the preferences dialog so this is why I think this is the proper fix. I dont know whichfile to edit so I have just adjusted this in my running setup. This should be done for all users who have started orca for example for gdm user as well. Gdm home directory is /var/lib/gdm/ on arch linux.



On 04.12.2012 03:02, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza  wrote:
Hi all.

I mannaged to install orca in a pendrive to test but I found a problem
that prevents orca to start.

After some investigation I found that the problem is present in line 85
of file
In line 85 of we have the following content:
         factory = importlib.import_module(moduleName)

Seems that the correct line should be:
         factory = importlib.import_module('orca.%s' % moduleName)

I downloaded the sources from and
found that the same problem is present.
This file was used to build the orca package in arch.

Am I doing something wrong?

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