Re: [orca-list] XDesktop?

Hey Dave.

On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 12:33 -0500, Dave Hunt wrote:
Will Orca X-Desktop ever be murged into the master branch?

Not exactly. The goal is for the master branch to become the version
which works in GNOME 3, Unity, KDE, XFCE, and anyone else who would like
to join in. Once we have an accessible XFCE, that will be the
recommended alternative to GNOME 2 for Orca users.

  For those who still rely on Gnome 2, is accessibility as good as it
will ever get? 

Since GNOME 2 is no longer being developed, I suppose so, yes. Mind you
for critical bug fixes that are within Orca and which apply to GNOME 2,
I am still committing to the orca-xdesktop branch. But anything that is
not a critical bug fix, is going into master only.

Take care.

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