Re: [orca-list] Accessibility Testing in Ubuntu 12.04

Thomas Ward <thomasward1978 gmail com> wrote:
However, I've never understood why Cononical decided to dump Gnome in
favor of Unity in the first place. There doesn't seem to be any
advantage in Unity over Gnome, and in fact for those of us with
disabilities it has made matters much worse, because we have to
install a system where everything is broken and then attempt to
install Gnome, configure it to login by default, just to get a usable

My husband upgraded to Oneiric on his work machine, and of course
because it's different, he hated the interface (he doesn't need a11y)...
but we both felt Unity was a sort of Linux-version of Windows8's Metro
interface and the Mac/mobile interfaces. Lots of large, shiny
touch-screeny things, most apps hidden away, and everyone sharing the
same menu bar. Maybe the current generation of kids growing up on
iPhones and the like find this a more intuitive interface?? For me,
nothing is intuitive if I haven't already learned it elsewhere. I have
no nose for these things.


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