Re: [orca-list] ORCA working on RasPi

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 07:22:00AM -0500, Craig Wadsworth wrote:
Are any of you using ORCA or any other screen reader on a Raspberry Pi Debian distribution?
Would you please tell me how or point me toward instructions to install and set it up?  See if you're curious.
AFAIU, the default desktop on Pi-ready Debian images (and probably the
only one that could reasonably be expected to run on it anyway) is LXDE,
which isn't currently accessible. This isn't to say you couldn't
hack your own solution on the Pi if you wanted to create an affordable
accessibility solution for all, but, until LXDE or another lightweight
WM or desktop environment becomes accessible, there won't be an OOTB


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