[orca-list] Comments and change tracking in LibreOffice Writer with Orca

Has anyone on the list had any success using change tracking or comments with
LibreOffice Writer?

With change tracking, the braille display shows a question mark where the
change occurs. If I move to that character, speech reports it as an "object
replacement character". The same happens with comments. However, I can't find
any means of discovering, with change tracking on, what has been inserted or

If I try to insert a comment, Orca is unable to present any of the text that I
type. Further, I can't find any means of reviewing existing comments.

The use case is one of: take a word processor file with comments and change
tracking enabled, make changes and send it back to the author.

When writing documents from scratch, I always use LaTeX, Markdown or HTML, so
I don't run into this problem. Fortunately, some of my colleagues are
comfortable with Git and text editors, but I also receive word processor files
from time to time that need to be edited and returned in the same format, so
simply converting them isn't the right option in such cases.

The version of LibreOffice is 4.4.4. My suspicion is that these are
LibreOffice bugs that will take for ever to get fixed, but one might as well
start somewhere!

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