Re: [orca-list] My Fedora 22 Blues

Janina Sajka <janina rednote net> wrote:
Speech-Dispatcher has been told to use alsa.

Then that's excluded as a cause, obviously.

Have you looked in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? (note the uppercase "X"). This is where
the option is that turns off the function of ctrl-alt-del which restarts the X
server. If there is any option set that affects the use of the function keys
to switch to virtual consoles, that's where I would expect to find it.

A further suggestion would be to log in over ssh from another machine and run
journalctl -f as root to identify any interesting error messages when you're
trying to switch between the X desktop and virtual consoles (regardless of how
you invoke the X server).

I don't have other ideas at the moment but I'll certainly let you know if any
insights strike.

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