Re: [orca-list] new espeak singsong

I do not know how others feel about posting espeak voice files here, but it is certainly close to if not too 
off topic to be on this list. 
I do not personally care as long is there are not many, but would suggest posting somewhere else, especially 
if you plan on continuing to work on new 
The for sure error you make though is giving windows paths on a Linux list. Not only that, but please 
remember that the Linux path to espeak-data varies 
between distros. I know of at least two distinct paths, /usr/share/ and /usr/lib/, with a specific 32 or 
64bit subdir after lib in the case of 
Ubuntu/Vinux and maybe others, e.g. i386-linux-gnu for 32bit Ubuntu. (not double checking so there could be a 
char or two off in that last path.)

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Josh K wrote:
Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 12:24:01PM -0400

here is a new voice I made. it is called singsong. the zip is attached. the
intonations file goes in c:\program files(x86)\espeak\espeak-data\
and the language files goes into
c:\program files(x86\espeak\espeak-data\voices\test\ then you should see a
language not a variant but a language called singsong pick it and espeak
will then talk with american english but with a sort of singsong voice like
a doubletalk.
the text of my intonations file is below. the text of my own defined tunes
that is.

tune s5
prehead   50 120
headenv   fall 40
head       40 100 110 50 20
headextend 30 115 110 70 55
nucleus0 fall 60 90
nucleus  fall 80 70 100 40

tune c5
prehead   40 110
headenv   fall 40
head       20 85 -9 9
headextend 80 105 60 90 30
nucleus0 fall-rise  40 120
nucleus  fall-rise2 65 85 15 50

tune q5
prehead   20 55
headenv   fall 65
head       80 90 60 20 -8
headextend 35 65 85 15 95
nucleus0 fall-rise  50 80
nucleus  fall-rise2 90 40 60 90

tune e5
prehead   30 115
headenv   fall 30
head       20 77 57 10 -2
headextend 40 80 90 105 60
nucleus0 fall  90 110
nucleus  fall  100 80 90 110


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