Re: [orca-list] New Linux user, needing higher quality speech...

On Saturday 16 May 2015 06:46 AM, Josh K wrote:
If linux did support all my favorite applications out of the box like windows does I would certainly switch full time. but it does not, so I need to stay with windows full time and use linux as a hobby OS for now. I need itunes for example to manage my apple tv, my entire family uses windows. they won't switch because they use itunes, spotify, ms-office, windows only games that require direct-x and so on. sorry to say Linux just won't take off until it gets more windows apps compiled for linux in its various app stores and repositories. Most folks its been my experience care about well will it support itunes? i need itunes for this or that or I need some feature that sound forge or band in a box only supports. well then you need windows. if you are in a position where you can go without by all means use your favorite linux distro. If you can do without and do not need itunes, or ms office, or some other native windows apps a linux distro will work just fine. if not stay with windows and run some open source stuff in it.

Well It is not about Linux being able to compile all that proprietary stuff.
It can be done I guess and Whine does a good job of running Windows apps.
But These all are proprietary software which does not respect the basic digital freedom of users. In proprietary software there are a lot of harmful things and a lot of bad things can happen with you. I Have been using Linux full time and libre office does my work pretty well, I have firefox and Thunderbird taking care of internet and email.
I use Eclipes for programming as I am a programmer.
All this happens without compromizing my basic digital freedom and there is total transparency about how the program actually does it's work (If I ever doubt it's security etc) So all the substitutes are available and Ubuntu or almost all distros do a great job. Being an international software consultent, I need a virus free, transparent system on which I can rely upon and that gives me total freedom. So that's why I seriously never found a point in compiling the said proprietary softwares on Linux.
happy hacking.

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