Re: [orca-list] Orca and current best compatible linux distro and desktop

If you have good amount of Ram, perhaps 4 gb or more then I would highly recommend Ubuntu 15.04 with Unity and also add the ppa which Luke has made available.
Happy hacking.

On Monday 02 November 2015 03:11 PM, Bart Bunting wrote:
Hi there,

Not meaning to start a flame war just hoping for some objective answers.

I haven't been running orca for some time and am installing a linux
system tomorrow running orca.

I am trying to decide which distro to go with and even in the case of
Ubuntu which flavour.

Can anyone offer advice as to which distribution and desktop is
currently most compatible with orca head.

I am considering Debian Jessie, Debian testing, Ubuntu probably the
15.10 release, and if I was to go Ubuntu should I load the default unity
release or go for a ubuntu-gnome distro?

As I said I'm looking to be able to run the orca master code with a
desktop that has the best chance of working reasonably well.

Any advice is most welcome.

Kind regards

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