[orca-list] What should Orca say when multiple icons become selected at once?

Hey all.

Given icon panel with icons arranged in a grid (i.e. and not a list). If
you use shift + down causing, say, 6 icons to be selected, what should
Orca say?

1. Just the focused item so you know where you are?
2. The count of items newly selected, along with the focused item?
3. The name of each newly-selected item, ending with the focused item?
4. Something else?

Right now Orca is (at least for me), doing the first thing. This is on
purpose because if there are a bunch of items, that will be a lot of
spoken stuff. And where am I will tell you what is selected, so you can
always ask Orca for this information.

That said, I was working on a fix for Caja and figured I'd ask you about
your thoughts on the matter.


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