Re: [orca-list] The Jupiter console screen reader


UTF-8 is definatelly working fine.

Characters the jupiter does not know represents as individual unicode code points when navigated through them one by one.

Well, I need to tidy up the PKGBUILD scripts I do have here, but if you wish to just run it, then here are a few concrete easy steps.

Install kernel headers

sudo pacman -S linux-headers

install storm's espeakup-git from the aur

Clone the acsint from git:

git clone

cd acsint/drivers


insert your modules into your kernel

sudo insmod ttyclicks.ko

sudo insmod acsint.ko

cd ../bridge




finally still changed to the acsint/jupiter directory run it from a virtual tty as root by using the following command

./jupiter -c sample.cfg esp "|espeakup -V en-us -a 2>/dev/null"

This leaves no traces on your system, i.e. it just runs it from wherever you have cloned and build it.

For installing you might like to place jupiter executable in /usr/bin, acsint.a in the /usr/lib/ modules in the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extramodules/

I'll package it properly later on.



Dňa 09.05.2016 o 22:02 B. Henry napísal(a):
Great     point re utf8.
So, since you have this working, how is actual use?
Do things update like with other screenreaders, or does one need to type a command of some kind requesting 
what output one wants?
When I tried to set up jupiter I knew rather less about most things Linux than I do now, and only spent a few 
minutes on it, i.e. you might say I'd be
starting fresh now. Is there anything less than obvious I need to know to get jupiter configured and running 
on a modern Linux box?
If you have a working PKGBUILD, would you please share it?

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