Re: [orca-list] Problems with sticky browse mode

Hi Eric and Mallory.

Responses inline.

On 01/27/2017 03:13 PM, Mallory wrote:
(I had asked Eric for a URL because I suspected they had something like
role=application on the body. Eric said:
"...But I thought, that orca's sticky browse mode (Caps+TrippleA) was
exactly designed to deal with this
kind of issue.

It is indeed designed to do just that. Clearly it is failing. But
without a concrete test case and reproducible steps with which to debug,
I can only take a guess and do my best.

Having said that, I've been able to reproduce an instance where Orca is
not switching to focus mode (i.e. browse mode is indeed sticking). But
the web app is consuming the keystrokes still. I'll work on that
problem. Maybe when I fix that it will also fix your problem. Though
without knowing what specifically you are encountering, it's hard to say.

Replying this to the Orca list because I'm guessing the reason sticky
isn't working is because as you move through the page, Orca keeps
getting re-told by the browser that it needs to switch back to focus
mode by the application role? I'm not sure if that's how it works and
Joanie can maybe confirm.

In sticky browse mode, Orca should be ignoring indications to switch
back to focus mode -- unless those indications are explicitly provided
by the user. As Eric stated in his response to you, that's the point.

See above request for a concrete test case. :)


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