Re: [orca-list] DEBUG: Seamonkey reads lines twice, also can't find navigation elements

OK, the lines being repeated on a single press of the down arrow key and the inability to find navigational elements seem to have gone away, but I have to send another debug.out, as now there seems to be a different problem reading another message. It seems now that the down arrow is repeating the same line over and over, and sometimes it doesn't move at all. You'll see in the debug.out that a second load of the same message does allow the down arrow to read the message, but a line was still repeated.

I'm sending an xz compressed debug.out attached to this message this time, as it still should be fairly small after compression, and I won't need to copy it to a website. 20.5KB it says here, which should actually come through rather nicely. Hope it helps.
Sent from the next generation

Attachment: debug-2017-02-22-13:39:15.out.xz
Description: application/xz

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