[orca-list] UPDATE on the double-speaking of caret-moved events in Gtk+ 3 gecko apps

Hey all.

Good news and bad news: The good news is that I can reliably reproduce
the double-speaking of caret-moved events in Thunderbird with Gtk+ 3. So
for now, no more debug.outs are needed. And eagerly pulling master as I
commit more changes to work around this nonsense might be a waste of
your time. I'll post something here when I believe it's finally fixed.

The bad news is that Gtk+ 3 gecko apps -- at least Thunderbird -- seems
to be creating multiple accessible applications for the same actual
application. I've not yet figured out how to reliably work around that
yet. Sorry!

I appreciate your patience. And in the meantime, since the Gtk+ 2
version is largely ok (right???), I'd encourage you to use that version.


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