Re: [orca-list] Mini PCs with linux?

Hi Kyle,

I guess you posted a longer time ago about your experience with those
small ARM based computers.
how happy are you with the performance?
office work, e-mail, web browsing and playing music i guess those things
could be done on those using a gnome desktop, LibreOffice, Firefox and


Am 23.10.2017 um 12:49 schrieb Kyle:
I haven't played with any of the computers you mentioned, though I've
had very good luck running the Odroid C2 screenless, complete with the
MATE desktop.
It is one of few that I've been able to get working unmodified with no
screen. Many others need some sort of dongle connected to the HDMI port, even if it's nothing but a VGA adapter. Installation is just a little
different on these than on the x86 models, but in some cases it's
actually easier, only involving untarring a file to mounted storage
media on a working machine or a simple dd to unmounted storage media,
depending on the distribution. I'm quite familiar with this mini PC, as
I'm using it as my daily driver for more than half a year now. Before
that I used an Odroid XU4,
which is one that needs a connected dongle or screen in order to show a
desktop, and is a 32-bit computer, but has 8 processor cores, and also
uses very little power, though it does use slightly more than the 64-bit quad-core C2. In either case, you will find these are fairly
inexpensive, both in terms of initial price and power consumption. For
detailed help, feel free to mail me off-list.
Sent from the center of town
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