Re: [orca-list] Some crashes and alternatives for Orca 3.28

In my experience Orca is extremely stable.

Most of my crashes over the years have been down to ATSpi, though these days everything is pretty rock solid running Fedora 28.

Could there be something else in the Ubuntu 18.04 accessibility stack causing the crashes?

On a related note: Orca works just fine during the Fedora installer. However, unlike Ubuntu there is no drums sound so unless you have enough vision to see when the desktop has appeared you won't know when to press the Alt+Super+S key to start up Orca. I usually just wait for about 3 minutes after booting off a USB media, or get someone sighted to tell me when the "Try Fedora" screen is up so I can start Orca. It would be really nice if the Fedora installer could play some kind of sound to let us know when it was ready.



On 21/07/18 20:12, Milton wrote:
Hi luciano,

I use a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 with Orca and for my needs I am very happy. Orca is doing great.


Op 20-07-18 om 12:59 schreef luciano de souza via orca-list:
Hello all,
I had been using Orca 3.12 for a long time. It's was stable, but less
functional than new versions.
Having installed Ubuntu mate 18.04, I've migrated to Orca 3.28. At te
functional view of point, it was a revolution. It's really much
better. But the stability is not good.
orca crashes very often, but it's linked to a particular event: the
window switching. I think Orca has already crashed in other events,
but it's very seldon. The problem is strongly linked to window
switching. When I press alt+tab, Orca crashes very often.
So I ask:
1. Is this a known problem? Is there a solution?
2. Is this linked also to Mate? Does it apear in other distros?
I often heard ubuntu is not the best distro in respect to
accessibility. However, I keep in this distro becose the accessible
installer. I try Fedora, but I was not to able to start Orca during
the instalation. I try ArchLinux, but the instalation requires best
skills, since it ask for advanced settings.
In short, I would like to listen to you.

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