Re: [orca-list] I can not access the top bar using ctrl+alt+tab

When you press Ctrl+Alt+Tab and Orca says Top Bar, it's reading the selected item in the switcher. When you release the keys, it's up to gnome-shell to put you in the right place. Orca does not control or change focus or the active window in this case. For that matter, with the exception of web documents, Orca doesn't change your position; it leaves that up to the application you are using.

So.... This sounds like another gnome-shell regression. Could you please file it and then send a link to the issue you file to this list so we all can track it?


On 9/23/19 7:23 PM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.

After upgrading to gnome 3.3.34, I can not access the top bar pressing ctrl+alt+tab.

When I press ctrl+alt+tab, orca reads top bar, but when I release the keys I am in the same window that I was when I pressed ctrl+alt+tab.


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