Re: [orca-list] Orca and MuseScore/Qt-applications

Thanks Joanie,

not with Orca version 3.26.0. Today I upgraded OpenSuse to 15.1, but there isn't another disrtribution package of Orca available - it's a little bit annoying. As far I've read in May 2020 will be published the next distributution version with an actual version of Orca; so it seems I can't check it before :-(.

Btw. (and FWIW) on FOSDEM 2020 there will be an presentation of accessibility features in MuseScore (FOSDEM 2020 - Accessibility in MuseScore.)

In this this context it would be great, if Orca would work in the same way as NVDA with the acual state of MuseScore (respectively the reason in case Orca can read menu items and so on but can't read musical elements - as mentioned I can't check it at time).

Beyond that: thank you very much for all you replies so far, it's very appreiciated (and maybe someone is instered to get the application work with Orca)


Am Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2020, 20:12:19 MEZ hat Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> Folgendes geschrieben:

Confirmed here too. But in my case, Orca is presenting things (e.g. the
dialog box widgets) to me. Is it not even presenting those to you?

There have been a lot of fixes in Orca and a lot of fixes in AT-SPI2
along with some in ATK since the versions you have. I would start with
upgrading to something current and then re-testing.


On 1/9/20 13:31, Peter Bartels via orca-list wrote:
> Just noticed an to be precise: MuseScore (="mscore") is listed after
> starting the application (but Orca don't work with it), but isn't
> listed, when MuseSore isn't opened.
> With best regards
> Peter
> Am Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2020, 18:36:33 MEZ hat Joanmarie Diggs
> <jdiggs igalia com> Folgendes geschrieben:
> If you type "orca -l" in a terminal, does the application in question
> show up in the list?
> --joanie
> On 1/9/20 09:51, Peter Bartels via orca-list wrote:
>  > The Qt-application MuseScore is a scorewriter. One aim is to improve the
>  > accessibility, also that it works with screen readers.
>  > The actual version seems to run by using NVDA with Windows quite good
>  >
> (
> <>),
>  > but I don't get it to run with Orca, not sure about the reason.
>  >
>  > My system: OpenSuse Lep 15.0, using XFCE, QT-version: 5.9.4 (so the
>  > command "export QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1" shouldn't be neccassary anymore and
>  > don't have any effect), orca version: 3.26.0, at-spi2 version: 2.26.3
>  >
>  > GTK-applications seems to work well for me. But what is neccassary to
>  > get work Orca with Qt-applications in general, but especially with
>  > MuseScore? It would be great if the software would also work with a
>  > screen reader and Linux (and at time it's not clear also for the
>  > developers about the reason:
> < >), so
>  > to improve the accessibility features there.
>  >
>  >
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