Re: [orca-list] pympress and orca


this is very very interesting for an enterprise person like me.

Firstly wish to know what did you use to make the presentation?

Is it some thing like latex-beamer or some other package?

secondly, is there a way to get some other formats into pympress?

On 13/01/20 3:56 pm, Peter Rayner via orca-list wrote:
A while ago I asked about tools for two-screen presentation that might
work well with orca. I've almost found one, pympress
With two screens it will display a "content" screen for the audience
and a "presenter's" screen for the presenter.
In particular it has an annotations mode where pdf annotations on a 
pdf page are displayed in an annotations area on the presenter's
screen. These are visible to orca. for the curious I attach a simple
latex file which generates such a thing. To test this build pympress,
(I installed it with the conda packaging system)
generate the pdf with
pdflatex pympress-demo
run it again to remove some latex warnings
pdflatex pympress-demo
pympress pympress-demo.pdf
You will need to turn on annotations mode in the configuration menu.
The first time I needed sighted assistance for that but I bet I
could have changed a config file somewhere.
I managed to find the annotations with my braille display and change
the pages with the space bar on the display. This is surprisingly
close to what I need.
The main remaining problem is that orca doesn't *seem* to update the
annotations as I change page and also that, on drawing the new page,
orca doesn't know to jump to the annotations area (why should it of
This might be a gtk question but is there anything I can call to
attract orca's attention to a particular bit of the screen? 
If it's any help here is the method that renders the annotations:
    def add_annotations(self, annotations):
        """ Add annotations to be displayed (typically on going to a new slide).
        prev_annots = self.scrollable_treelist.get_model()
        if prev_annots:
        list_annot = Gtk.ListStore(str)

        for annot in annotations:
            list_annot.append(('● ' + annot,))


self.scrollable_treelist is a widget constructed by a call to a
Gtk.Builder instance. I'm perfectly happy to change the way pympress
is displaying these annotations e.g. to a Textview... what is source
code for after all.
So my main question is how to render these annotations in such a way
that orca will automatically jump to the annotations area when each
new page comes up. Of course if that turns out to be impossible then a
single keystroke that would accomplish the same thing would be ok too.
thanks in advance for any help and, of course, I'll share the result
if I can make it work.

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