Re: [orca-list] Updating Gnome and Orca on Ubuntu 21.04.

Maybe it is worth trying before ./

sudo apt-get install libatk1.0-dev

Op 20-08-2021 om 22:10 schreef Pawel Urbanski:
Dear Everyone,
Since I'll have some time over the weekend to have another gowith
Linux and Orca I installed Ubuntu 21.04 as a virtual machine.
As of the time of this writing, which is late August 2021 my Ubuntu
defaults are as follows:
Gnome 3.38 and Orca 3.38.
I cloned the repository and had a go following instructions found on
this list. I installed all the missing packages that were popping up
when running the script.
Unfortunately, I could not get any sensible build. I got the following errors:
$ make and $ make install give me the result stating that there are no
targets and nothing to do. Maybe both are as well on holidays...
Since I cannot update Orca first, I was not that brave to try and
update Gnome to version 40. I know that I can take a snapshot of the
virtual machine and restore it if anything go wrong, but maybe we
could come up with solid instructions for the wiki or something.

As always, thank you in advance for any tips and hints...
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