Re: [orca-list] FYI.

Hi Hwaen Ch'uqi,

yes I fully realized that having posted what I meant as a request rather than a

Anyway maybe I can help solve the issue you mentioned.

In that aim could you please send me a document with one of the zoom links that make Orca crash. Then I would try to reproduce the issue and hopefully find its
cause or at least help the upstream developers to find it.

Please indicate too the version of Orca you are running (orca -v will tell you) and the version of voxin in use like 3.3-rc5 or similar,included in the name of
the archive you downloaded, and also the version of speech-dispatcher.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Le 11/10/2021 à 08:37, Hwaen Ch'uqi a écrit :
Greetings Didier,

I do not mind your rebuke, because it is generally constructive.
However, my point was NOT to report here a voxin issue in hopes that
someone would fix it. I was merely aiming to offer a solution to any
orca user who might have encountered the specific problem that I did.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 10/10/21, Didier Spaier via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:
Le 11/10/2021 à 00:50, Jason White via orca-list a écrit :
On 7/10/21 01:31, Hwaen Ch'uqi via orca-list wrote:
This evening, I received a couple of E-mails containing zoom links,
and when I tabbed to them, orca crashed. After several more failed
attempts, it occurred to me to try a different speech synthesizer, my
default being voxin. I switched to espeak-ng, and the problem
disappeared! I wish I could be more specific than that, but I thought
that anyone using voxin for their speech synthesizer and running into
that same problem should know.

I think I've read somewhere that Voxin is known to crash on certain
input strings.

I don't use Voxin, so this is very much second-hand information.

So Jason you are just spreading FUD. Please don't do that.

Hwaen Ch'uqi: your post doesn't help either.

Such an issue should be reported upstream at: contact at oralux dot org,
preferably with a way to reproduce it.


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