Re: [orca-list] Orca and snap

Yes, indeed in 20.04 Chromium-browser id doing well with Orca in snap package. Aquestion comes up when removing Firefox snap because it is part of the fresh installation, because I thought better not to remove applications of a fresh installation?


Op 27-10-2021 om 14:03 schreef Kyle via orca-list:
I don't think snaps are inaccessible normally, as I have gotten some working here. I think whoever packaged the Firefox snap just thought it would be a cute idea to turn off accessibility by default ... I read this somewhere, so it may or may not be true, but that would indicate that a bug could possibly be filed against Firefox in the snap store. For now, the best option is to remove the snap and install the package from the repository.

sudo snap remove firefox

sudo apt install firefox

should do that nicely. But do file a bug against the snap as well. There is no good reason to make firefox inaccessible to screen readers by default, unless snaps just don't work with screen readers, and my experience seems to be different, at least for gtk applications.


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