Re: [orca-list] Disable Row/Column announcements.

Okay, so a few updates:

1. While the issue started when I installed Orca 43 Alpha and
at-spi-core from Debian Experimental, reverting to the versions in
Debian Unstable didn't fix it.

2. I decided to take a listen at the contents of
~/.local/share/orca/user-settings.conf, and found a few promising
options such as


but changing them from true to false and restarting my x-session
doesn't seem to do anything... I also noticed that file lists insert
and kp_insert as modifier keys when my Orca key is set to caps lock
and I'm not sure my keyboard even has an insert key(it doesn't have a
numpad), so I'm wondering if Orca is even paying attention to that

3. I don't think I've ever installed anything from a git repository,
and in general, it's rare I turn to any installation method other than
using apt.

4. My stripped down xserver is using the Fast, Light window
manager(flwm) and I don't have many of the other common DE
components(no panel or launcher for one), and best I can remember,
flwm hasn't been updated lately.

5. I'mtempted to rename my ~./local folder to something else and  see
what happens with a completely vanilla configuration... will report
back on whether it changes anything.

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