[Planner Dev] Patch: Multi-task dialog v5 (with ttable updates).

	attached is change against the current CVS.

What it gives you,

-The ability to select more than 1 task for edit in the Gantt, Task and
		Resource Usage (TTable) view (TODO: Resource View),

- Ability to select more than 1 resource for edit in the Resource Usage (TTable) view,

- Fixes to selection (i.e. right-mouse resets selection bug) and zooming (zoom to
	the extremes to see what I mean) in the TTable view,

- Fixes to the Edit/View and Action menu in the TTable view (some people got this),

- New icons for the menu items.

As before the behaviour is to open multiple dialogs BUT it
warns you if you try to open more than 10 and stops you from
opening more than 50.

To peer reviewers: its the same multi-task dialog I'd been working
on for Planner 0.12 except its been cleaned up based on planner-dev
feedback but I've added in the Ttable stuff as its all interrelated
to right-mouse/menus items. I was changing those anyway so its best
to chnage them right.

ps: ah now - on to the Undo stuff for the Project properties/phase.

Attachment: multi-task-dialogv5.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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