Re: Release notes start on the schedule

Corey, and Jorge, I'm CCing you so you know about the schedule. We'll
talk more later, but please check over that ReleaseNotes page so you
know what we need to do. Forgive me if my involvement is unnecessary,
but I don't want to leave anything to chance this time.

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been traveling. Count me in
dude, thanks for putting hard dates on everything, no need to

I agree with Vincent that we should have something solid in time for
translators, I've in fact have some local notes that I plan to commit
to my page on the wiki this weekend and hope to move to a subpage
under TwoPointNineteen. If we can get a huge chunk done before your
proposed date I would be pretty happy, since I'm not really a
programmer type I'd like to have plenty of time to run things by the
module owners to make sure we're showcasing what's important.

I'll find you guys on irc and we'll discuss more.


PS - I'm "whiprush" on #gnome-hackers and I always idle so feel free
to ping me whenever.

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