Re: [sabayon] Searching for new Sabayon maintainer

On lun, 2006-12-18 at 12:09 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero wrote: 
> El dom, 17-12-2006 a las 10:51 +0100, Guillaume Desmottes escribi� > On dim, 2006-12-17 at 09:55 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > 
> > > * Talk to actual deployers of sabayon and get feedback
> > 
> > Just to say that i'm trying to deploy Sabayon at my university and it's
> > really not as good at it should be.
> > I'll be happy to help and contribute with the new maintainer to improve
> > that.
> [Moving this discussion to sabayon-list]
> Thanks, Guillaume.  I'm all ears :)  What problems have you had with
> Sabayon?

Ok :)

First, some words about our infrastructure. I'm student at the
university of Brussels and one of the administrator of our 3 computers
rooms (around 80 PC's).
We're using Ubuntu Dapper and FAI to install each box automatically
(great tool btw !).
The authentification is done using a NIS server and /home is mounted
through NFS..

I'd like to use Sabayon to, in a first time, force some gconf keys : the
http proxy, set a max time on lock screen...
I backported sabayon 2.12.4 from Edgy to have the last version.

There are 2 main issues that made sabayon currently unusable for us:

- Profils can't be updated after they were applied.
We can't deploy a profil on the settings of hundreds of users if we
can't easily change or revert some gconf keys after.

- A more specific problem. I don't know why (and can't reproduce on my
personal computer) but this scenario made a session unusable :
* i install a profil for all users
* i login using my account, the profil is applied, no problem
* i logout
* i login again using the same account
* my session is completely broken : a lot of errors during gnome-session
loading, ...
If i remove the profil and relog using the same account, the problem
I have to gather a little bit more informations before reporting this
bug on the bugzilla.

To deploy my profil on all our computers, i packaged it (all
the /etc/desktop-profiles/ to have users.xml too) in a Debian package
and i install it on each machine (we have a script to do that).
I'm not sure if it's the best way to do. IMHO we should have some words
in Sabayon's documentation about massive deployment of profils.

I hope my feedback will be useful for you and am able for more
informations or help.
Let's make Sabayon rocks !


Guillaume Desmottes <cass skynet be>
Jabber <cassidy jabber belnet be>
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