[sabayon] Sabayon 2.18.1 is released

Dear lovers of FIXME,

Sabayon 2.18.1 is released.  This release has a fix for the Arabic
translation, which was broken in 2.18.0.



What is Sabayon?

Sabayon is a tool which system administrators can use to pre-configure
GNOME desktops for many users.  With Sabayon, sysadmins can set
configuration values, put files in the users' desktops, and lock down
certain settings (for example, to say that users should not be able to
change their HTTP proxy).

Sabayon tries to integrate all the configuration parameters which a
sysadmin would like to make within a GNOME desktop, even for common
applications like OpenOffice.org and Mozilla Firefox which are not
designed explicitly with GNOME in mind.

Release notes


        * Fixed a broken Arabic translation (Djihed Afifi).



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