[sabayon] Sabayon runtime error


I was wanting to run a version of Sabayon with Dan Walsh's SELInux
patch to use with his xguest account. The program compiled OK but I
got the following error when running it.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/sbin/sabayon", line 97, in <module>
    from sabayon import profilesdialog
ImportError: cannot import name profilesdialog

Thinking it might be Dan's patch I delete the patched code, unpacked
the code again and recompiled only to find the same error. Has this
been seen before? I can't find anything in the mailing list or google
and don't know how to proceed. Any thoughts would be welcome.

I'm using Fedora 8 with the latest version of Sabayon.


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