Re: export key

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Andrew Lyall <andrew lyall ucd ie> wrote:
> I have created a key using seahorse. But when I export the key to an asc
> file, the text block is Headed "private key block". I though the whole idea
> was that you NEVER export your private key, only the public key? have I got
> something wrong?

It depends on how you exported the key.  If you right click on the key
and select export or similar from the top key menu, then only your
public key should be exported.  However, if you open the key's
properties, go to the details tab and then select export entire key,
you will receive a file containing the private key.  The public key
can be reconstituted from the private key, but not vice-versa.  If
this is not what happens for you, please file a bug in Bugzilla.



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