Re: is a saved password in my gnome-keyrin still physically secure

On 2011-10-06 11:14, Markus Feldmann wrote:
> i want to know whether my saved password in my gnome-keyring(accessed
> through seahorse) can be read physically? For example when a thief stole
> this disk and tries to read my passwords?

If you haven't gone out of your way to take the password off the
keyring, then yes it'll be encrypted.

> How can i use gnome-keyring for root. I need a save place for my
> password for my encrypted LUKS-partition.

Sorry don't know how that would work, gnome-keyring is a desktop session
service. Perhaps someone could write a front end for mounting LUKS that
ran as the current user and used the local keyring to look up the
password, and then passed it to something else running as root which
would do the actual mount. But I'm not aware of this having been written



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