Re: [Shotwell] Shotwell 0.25.0 - program terminated with signal sigsev

Hi Jens,

I had to go back to Fedora 24 on one of my computers and tried to
install shotwell from the git-Repository.

Am Freitag, den 28.10.2016, 12:07 +0200 schrieb Jens Georg:

I switch over to Fedora 25 Beta and installed shotwell from git.
Compiling worked after installing several additional packages.

If there 's some package missing from the list at (I can
gcr-3) please feel free to update the page (or send me the list so I
update it later).

I've used this list - there are some duplicates (glib2-devel, ...) -,
but there was one missing package: itstool. After installing that one, I
was able to build shotwell 0.24.2, but not the current version - this
one uses gexiv2 0.10.4, which isn't provided for Fedora 24.

Whenever I start the program, it crashes. So I followed the advice
to save information about the crash:

SHOTWELL_LOG=1 gdb shotwell 2>&1 | tee shotwell.gdb

I attach the log file and I hope it helps to the error

That seems to be an issue in gst-libav/libav/ffmpeg while trying to 
parse a media file. Not much shotwell can do about this, though
should think about splitting this off into an process similar to the 
thumbnailing so a crashing extract doesn't crash the main process.

Can you file a ticket against GStreamer/libav, if possible with the 
video causing this? The video should be mentioned in 

Please also check with gst-discoverer-1.0 on that video file.

-- Including/Excluding directories for the library search

   Below my directory Bilder I have several directories which 
   be searched by shotwell, so excluding these libraries would
   the program a lot.

There's an enhancement ticket open for this already that you can 
subscribe yourself to:
shotwell-list mailing list
shotwell-list gnome org

Kind regards
Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann            Tel:   +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich   Fax:   +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
Fachbereich 09                      email: j hoffmann fh-aachen de

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