[Shotwell] Building shotwell on EL7

I'm having trouble building any recent version of Shotwell on Scientific Linux 7 (which, for these purposes, is the same as Redhat Enterprise or CentOS 7).  Shotwell 0.14.1 ships with this OS, but I'd like to use a more recent version (the main reason is that my existing photo library was created with 0.15 and won't load with an earlier version).

I've tried the 0.15, 0.18, 0.23, and latest from Git but had no success with any of them.

If anyone has advice or is willing to help me get this to work, I'd very much appreciate it.

For 0.15, here's the result of attempting to build:

./configure && make
Detected libGPhoto 2.5.x - using 2.5-aware code path.
Configured.  Type 'make' to build, 'make install' to install.
[many lines deleted]
valac --target-glib=2.30.0 -g --enable-checking --fatal-warnings --save-temps --compile --enable-deprecated \
    --vapidir=../ --pkg=shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0 --pkg=gobject-2.0 --pkg=glib-2.0 --pkg=gdk-3.0 --pkg=gtk+-3.0 --pkg=gee-0.8 --pkg=gtk+-3.0 --pkg=libsoup-2.4 --pkg=libxml-2.0 --pkg=webkitgtk-3.0 --pkg=gexiv2 --pkg=rest-0.7 --pkg=gee-0.8 --pkg=json-glib-1.0  \
    -X -I../.. -X -fPIC \
    -X -D_VERSION='"0.15.1"' -X -DGETTEXT_PACKAGE='"shotwell"' \
    --vapidir=../../vapi \
    ../common/Resources.vala shotwell-publishing.vala FacebookPublishing.vala PicasaPublishing.vala FlickrPublishing.vala YouTubePublishing.vala PiwigoPublishing.vala ../../src/util/string.vala ../common/RESTSupport.vala
FacebookPublishing.vala:1496.25-1497.108: error: Too many arguments for specified format
FlickrPublishing.vala:399.33-400.85: error: Too few arguments for specified format
FlickrPublishing.vala:409.29-410.81: error: Too few arguments for specified format
Compilation failed: 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I tried common-sense fixes for the vala errors, but it still didn't work.

Any ideas?

Thanks -


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