using sysprof under Ubuntu

Hey all,

I'm trying to use Sysprof to profile Geary under Ubuntu 17.10, but can't get any useful results out of it — the only function that ever shows up is "acpi_video_register". A typical call trace will look like:

[./geary]                        0.00% 8.99%
   acpi_video_register     Linux 8.99% 8.99%
     --kernel--                  0.00% 0.00%

Regardless which app is selected or if it is launched via sysprof or is already running. The sysprof2 service is being launched when record is pressed after being prompted for my password, and neither sysprof nor sysprofd outputs any messages at all to the journal while running.

The docs suggest that I need to load a sysprof module into the kernel, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to ship one. Is the module still needed?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

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