Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] xst_file_close

I think the xst_file_close and the error checking problems are different
matters. As I told, Perl is not behaving in an uniform way: sometimes
close (undef) seems to continue silently and sometimes it doesn't.
xst_file_close makes this behaviour regular, and since there's a lot of
code that reads file descriptors without checking success (close to 50
calls), I decided to make xst_file_close finish silently if the file
descriptor is null. 

We could emit a warning (instead of failing, as Perl somentimes, just
sometimes, does), to let the programmers know. xst_file_close and checking
for errors are not exclusive, and I think we should use both. All of us
hackers should go and fix those places where we should check if the open
was successful. I think this sums it up: let's not make this a long thread
for nothing, because both ways can be done, and are not exclusive.

Regarding reporting, there is already a report infrastructure. I'm just
going to code an example in the boot tool so you can learn how to use

I think there's an important thing to learn from this: this is nobody's
project. Some people take care of some parts of the system and some others
take care of other parts. When programming, there's no single correct way
of doing things: every head is a world, and we shouldn't go around
thinking we'll always get it our way. If somebody is not willing to let
others take decisions on how some code/protocol/format is going to be,
that person is never going to take off to big colaborative projects:
sometimes you have to let go your ideas, and accept those from other
people (read: sometimes).

This is also why I take some steps forward without asking: because someone
is always going to claim that it is broken/there's a better way/you
shouldn't do that. Normally I comment with a few people just to filter
those really bad decisions, and I take the care of sending an e-mail when
I'm really not sure about what is best or the cost of making a mistake is
too high.


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -

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