[system-tools]extend gst to morphix liveCD (part2)

Hi Carlo,

Sorry for the delay but I'm working on several subjects of morphix ....

About the gst customisation for morphix I have some questions:

where HOSTNAME is a var containing "/etc/hostname",
&gst_parse_line_first is a generic function that returns the first line
of the arg passed (HOSTNAME, that is) and "hostname" is the xml tag in
which such information will be inserted.

for more generic functions for parsing and replacing you can have a look
at backends/parse.pl.in and backends/replace.pl.in, those make pretty
rare the need of writing new custom ones

* for interfaces specific info there are the
gst_network_get_interface_parse_table() and
gst_network_get_interface_replace_table() functions, which work in the
same way than the former ones

I have read both functions and all needed files are in my distrib except /etc/pump.conf.

I can create a new interface eth0 in shell and the nework work well. But with the network-admin it doesn't work. When I add a new interface I can't activate it (with activate button).If I apply the configuration, the interface is not activated and the X server is broken ??? After quitting the application (click apply and validate) the interface eth0 is up (I can see with ifconfig) the network work but I can't start a new X application??

So my questions are :
1) what the app does when I click to activate  an interface?
2) What the app does when I click the validate button for quitting
3) Do you have an idea of the broken Xserver
4) Must I start some service for the configuration (for example in the livecd the syslogd is not started, only the portmap and cupsd are started)

My plan is to check the network for the interface, ppp 56k modem and ppp for usb adsl.


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