Re: [Tracker] ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.7.10 released

On 07/12/09 08:30, Jerry Tan wrote:
Hi, Martyn,
when I compile tracker 0.7.10,
I can not compile tracker-explorer,
for it search for gee/map.h, gee/hashmap.h,

I can not find it in vala 0.7,8, and libgee0.5.0.

what's wrong?

or vala release a new version?


Isn't this the same problem you had before? You have to install libgee-dev and the issue with libgee in vala will be fixed in vala 0.8 IIRC:

Either way, I have libgee-dev installed and no problems building it here. About explorer being optional and failing without libgee, that is a bug we need to fix however :)


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