Re: [Tracker] Tracker Tags in Nautilus/Files

On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 02:41:29PM +0100, mlo wrote:
What I really miss is a seamless integration with gnome files (aka

I would very much like to browse my files by tag-cloud or tag-hierarchy.
I would love to have my tags handy in the file-browser so that I can
attach tags to files on ths fly.

The nautilus extension is not a very good fit for the way people are
thinking about search and content in GNOME.

The idea is to have a bunch of content applications, that are an
alternative to nautilus, for users who don't want to deal with the
hierarchical UNIX filesystem - gnome-documents, gnome-photos,
gnome-music and totem. All these applications end up using tracker -
either by making direct SPARQL queries or via Grilo.

Needless to say, these applications are very new [2], and much work
needs to be done to build a working alternative to the file manager.

Therefore, I don't think it makes much sense to have tags and tag
clouds in nautilus [1]. Instead they are a better fit for these new breed
of applications.

Unfortunately I could not find a source to download and install this
plugin. (Please don't tell me I have to self-compile gnome ;-)
Maybe a hint in that direction could already meet my needs?

The source code is here:


[1] Even though nautilus does use tracker for its file search.

[2] Music and photo manager applications like rhythmbox or shotwell end up
    exposing the file system to the user, which is not what we want here,
    although there is obviously nothing to stop the user from using them.

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