[Usability] Properties of Saving Popup-Dialogs

[Usability] Preview Image in File Chooser?

> problem and knowing that developers will definately want to change
> whatever File chooser is decided upon and that we probably cant think of
> everything we should keep it simple but design it with a few basic
> additions in mind.

...and try to make integration of new features as easy as possible.

> The seemed to recognise the problem and as an example included a checkbox
> like this
> [] Send love to Ximian Monkeys
> Similarly a really good File chooser design will include a space for an
> Image Thumbnail or some sort of plan for where it will need to go.
> In Mac OS X the thumbnail slides out from behind the File chooser rather
> than messing around with the existing file chooser window

I like that idea too, but don't see this in gtk anytime soon. Do you?

> Even though for some file formats I do
> change the settings nearly every time for the times that I dont change
> things I'd really prefer not to have to deal with an extra dialog or lots
> of extra inconsistant widgets bogging down the dialog.
> The "Options..." button would take you to a preferences dialog and allow
> you to change the settings such as HTML markup settings, PNG Compression,
> Jpeg quality (perhaps even with an option to do so only once and not to
> override the defaults)

Those dialogs make somewhat sence, because otherwise I might forget to
change the settings. But when you need the same image/file properties
over and over again, yes, it would be nice not to have to click through
all those dialogs. So maybe you might want to have a checkbox "[] show
options" when it is selected you'd get the options dialog and kann press
a button called "options...", if not, you'll go with the options last
saved (or if none is saved the default of course). That also means that
the options dialog that is poped up has to include a checkbox for "[]
save changes to options"

> The theme reminds me of something unpleasant and for a moment I thought
> you were taking the piss by posting a Windows XP screenshot.  But that

Ok, I admit, it does look like xp a lot, but that is the theme I'm
working on, and I like it best. Right now I'm into moving away from XP a
little int mor to the crystal. But than again: you probably don't like
that either, since it's kde ;)

> is exactly what I was trying to get at when I suggested allowing a more
> complex file manager approach (complex bad, consistancy good) for those
> who want it.  I still think the default should be very simple though and
> this should only be an option.

Sure, there _must_ be another simple dialog, because if we let nautilus
do most of the work, we have to worry about the people who don't have
nautilus installed. And there might also be people who don't like a
fileselector with that "many" features.

> I usually use Ctrl+O

Hmm, right, I never really was aware of that possibility.

Take care


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