[Usability] Monday UI-Review Session on IRC #ui-review

This Monday, Jan. 12th we'll be kicking it on irc.gnome.org in the #ui-
review channel.  The UI-Review phase of this GNOME release is really
starting to heat up, so it's time to go into full swing.  The goal is to
review the modules that haven't been reviewed in a while, with some
higification or just simple cleanups to the interface.

Who should come?
* Everyone should come.  Especially people interested/involved in the
"Less Recently Reviewed Modules" [1] list. 

When is this happening?
* The official session will be from 09:00 EST [2] until 21:00 EST

I can't be there the entire time, should I still come?
* Anyone with an hour or 1/2 hour to spare should participate.

Do I need to be a Kung Fu Master of usability like Seth or Calum?
* No.  But Grasshopper, if you would like to study their ways you can
help out just by running GNOME applications and asking lots of
questions.  This is a great way to get involved in the GNOME community,
even if you've never done a ui-review before.  You can learn how a ui-
review is done so you can be the usability master next time. :-)

Who all is going to be there?
* Paolo of file-roller fame and Shaun "Master of Help" will be around to
get raked over the coals about yelp.  The usual suspects will be there.
Murry Cumming should be hanging around for a while.  The long lost Gnils
will also be showing up for some review action. :-)

There are only 45 open UI-Review bugs right now, those can be destroyed
during this time and we can burn through another 45 before the end.

A little recognition for already changing the world one ui-review at a
time goes to:
Paolo Borelli

See you there,
~ Bryan

[1] http://www.gnome.org/start/2.5/ui-review/
[2] http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?

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