WM Extended Spec Summary, 6/27/99

This week seems to have been a slow-down week for the mailing list, with
not as many flurries of emails back and forth on the project. Several new
people have shown up (David Rosenthal, Tim Janik) that I don't have
information on.

Items to think about:

* New draft. Who wants to organize the next draft revision? Matthias
Ettrich did a fine job on the first, and there was a _lot_ of comments
made on it and changes verbally made on the list to it. It would seem to
me that we need to make a second sometime soon because of the high volume
of changes made to it.

* Undecided issues: will we support the passing of window and workspace
information to an external application like a pager? (You all know my
opinion, what I'm looking for is a consensus.) Should WM's be re-written
to not display icons on the root window if running in a mode compatible
with this specification, or can some interaction between the root-window
application and the WM work to display an iconized application? Is session
management something that should be considered here or are we just going
to let that rest in the hands of others?

This project is gaining a large amount of attention. My
gnome.windsofstorm.net site had 8,200 hits overall in the past week,
compared to 1,040 the week before. I'd like to keep this project moving on
a good clip, hopefully with a second draft by the 4th, and a third draft
by the 25th.

Keep up the good work!


Nathan P. Clemons                       "Peace favor your code."
nathan@windsofstorm.net                 ICQ: 2810688
IN CONSTRUCTION:                        http://gnome.windsofstorm.net

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