Re: Draft 1.9c

On 24 Nov, Paul Warren scribbled:
->  Hiya,
->  I've finally put draft 1.9c up at:
->  I'd be grateful if people could take a look, and comment.  I have also
->  stuck up a list of things that still need sorting, linked from that page.
->  Please let me know if you think of any others.
->  Currently they include:

1 thing. the _NET_WM_ICON section isnt very explict - infact if i asa
newcomer to the list or the spec jsut read that i'd have no clue what
it means... soit needsto add the fact:
the first 2 CARDINALS are width and height of the icon (respectively).

we dotn allow for multiple icons here - so we coudl xpand the spec to
allow mor eicons to be appended as folows:
[width][height][ARGB DATA....][width][height][ARGB DATA...][width]....
as many icons can be provided as an app sees fit - the wm can weed out
the one it wants. it shoudl be suggested to provide the highest-res
(largest) icon first in-case the wm is naievee and only takes the first
icon it finds instead of doing size matching.

also some things not in the spec:

there alreayd is an ICCCM machine name hint... but no PID - i really
think a PID hint woudl be infinitely useful so the wm or other apps can
track what process Id that windwo belongs too (VERY handy for nuking
that hung process that doesnt respons to delete events and even if you
xkillclient it the process remains around).

this would make taskbars/task managers a whole lot more powerful.

->  _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE client message. This message includes not only the x,y
->  co-ordinates of the mouse click, but also a resize direction. Is the
->  resize direction necessary? Could a window manager not derive this from
->  the position of the click?

it could - but its good to be explicit.. :)

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)

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