On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs pobox com> wrote:

... snip ...

> Yes, everyone agrees on that. But games are going to keep changing
> resolution no matter what you write on this mailing list, so the
> question is whether there's anything that can be done to make the
> users less angry when it happens. (And they will also be angry if
> their games don't support changing resolutions.) Certainly KWin is
> potentially in a better place to see that manual layouts and things
> don't get broken than a random SDL program is... if you can't preserve
> manual layouts, then who should the game developers be talking to
> instead?

I don't see how this proposal helps, then: either games have to be
updated to care about the new _NET_WM_STATE value, or they have to be
updated to not set the user's resolution.

> -n
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