Re: [xml] Substitution of nested entity references

On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 06:07:38PM +0200, Henke, Markus wrote:
Yep, it's complex. Maybe to complex for me (by now... 8)
So i've tried a possibly quite naive approach by adding some
lines to "xmlStringGetNodeList()"
(and "xmlStringLenGetNodeList()") that recursivly build the
child node list for an entity declaration (which was NULL before,
the initial problem).
I've no idea if this will produce side effects or break other
things, in a (simple) test it works, also my patch for the

  yep looks okay applied, just did a bit of cleanup

complete (recursiv) entity substitution seems to work with it.
What do you think about it (pls don't laugh at me if it's too
strange...  8)?

  no, no, looks fine, it's C code :-)


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
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